Final toy clip details.
Final toy clip details.
Final toy camera details.
Final toy camera details.
Final toy pad details.
Final toy pad details.
Final toy hero shot.
Final toy hero shot.
This project aimed to create a toy for a personally selected NGO. For my project, I decided to design inspired by Artists for Change, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to create high impact film, television, and multimedia projects to inspire individuals, organizations, and communities to being about positive social change.
Design Process
Early sketches.
Early sketches.
Early idea.
Early idea.
Early idea.
Early idea.
Thumbnail sketches.
Thumbnail sketches.
Detail sketch.
Detail sketch.
Early iterations and thumbnails. The theme of a more accessible high quality camera was the backbone of the thinking in this project.
Persona: The Unseen.
Persona: The Unseen.
Persona: The Digital Native.
Persona: The Digital Native.
Persona: The Activist.
Persona: The Activist.
Research and persona studies to help understand the market.
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