Introductory video for thesis.
The majority of this project was conducted entirely independently, with the initial research and co-design phase being a joint effort between two other industrial design seniors, Erika Strazinsky and Sofie Stefanski. Partnered with DESIS Lab and hosted in Dominion Middle School, we were tasked with creating individual solutions to aid the social and technological systems surrounding the Hyve-3D, an immersive augmented reality experience.
We were treated as professional junior designers, working with minimal interference from the instructor as well as having a real client (Sèbastien Proulx) in the appropriate sector that we had the responsibility to maintain a healthy and open relationship with. Our development was largely based on their desires and feedback.
The first leg of the semester consisted of article gathering and written reflections highlighted by four themes of either focus, science & tech, business, and arts. To conclude this section of research, the team conducted a few co-design activities and compiled all the gathered findings and personal insights into a final op-ed.
Work quickly shifted towards early prototypes, iteration, and development. Liaisons between the client and myself were frequent and informative, ultimately leading to a final design and physical product that I presented to a crowd of peers, fellow clients, and other students and faculty from the design department.
Final process booklet.
Various renders of different iterations of DIVI.
Research and Process
This button will take you to the series of articles and reflections I collected in preparation for the later stages of my thesis, culminating in a final op-ed.
Initial research plan and GANTT chart.
This button will take you to the collaborative Miro board that documents our research and co-design activities and responses.
This button will take you to the Miro board of inspiration I used personally.