15-second showcase video (created by me) to be posted on social media for voting.
 For this project, I was grouped with two other design majors (Christian Baker - Visual Communications 4th-year, and Rachel Lietnaker - Interior Design 4th-year) to revamp the wayfinding systems within Hayes Hall. We were Team 5. As collaborators, we developed a system that includes palette, typeface, iconography, maps, and more.

The team researched the spacial experience within the building and conducted various methods of research such as ethnographic-style circulation research, dot mapping, surveys, and interviews with faculty.

Upon the conclusion of the project, all teams' solutions were displayed online via the Department of Design's social media pages, and viewers were prompted to vote on their favorite systems for a potential real-world redux done in the selected team's style.

Result of the poll. Out of 91 people surveyed, 72 of them voted for our solution, making our team the most popular choice amongst our peers and faculty!
Final design overview created by Christian Baker with help from Rachel Leitnaker and myself.
Research and Refinement
This button will take you to the research presentation that was given feedback that helped the team create our final design.
This button will take you to the collaborative Miro Board that documents our research about wayfinding systems, palette exploration, tech integration, creative decisions, and documented research. The team collaborated equally on the board.
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